Sandeep Puniya

Born in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India, Mr. Sandeep Puniya has been a life-long traveler.  His traveling started when he moved away from his family to New Delhi for his schooling at a very young age of 10.  He finished his high school in 2006 and completed his bachelors in Computer Science in 2011 from New Delhi.  After preparing for one year, he got admission at University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2012 for his Masters in Computer Science.  He completed his master’s degree in August 2014 and at the same time, started his engineering career at PayPal in Baltimore, Maryland itself.  As a next career move, he moved to Omaha in April 2017 to work at Gallup Inc, as a software engineer.  And this relocation to Omaha began his journey into formal book writing.

In his free time, he likes to read books, journaling, playing chess, getting in touch with his family members back in India and thinking of newer ways to make life processes better.   

Contact Mr. Puniya at: [email protected]