Jennie Gollehon

Jennie Gollehon is a stay-at-home mother of three, fearfully approaching the bittersweet day of sending her youngest to kindergarten. In the beautiful moments between the chaos of children and attempting to maintain order in the house, she hides in her writing nook and gets lost in the world of her characters.

Before children, Jennie earned her Bachelor’s in Communication Studies from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. A college internship with the Nebraska State Patrol led to a short stint as a Loss Prevention Manager. Jennie switched gears, taking a job as a certified pharmacy technician and became one of the first Pharmacy Financial Counselors for Transplant Patients in the state; a specialized group of pharmacy technicians that assist organ transplant recipients with the financial management of their medications.

Through all of her non-literary positions, writing has always been her passion. When her husband’s career took them to Michigan, Jennie was a co-founder of the Whitmore Lake News and contributed to the St. Luke Lutheran Church’s blog as a Living Water MOPS contributor.

More recently, Jennie has returned to her joy of fiction writing and has a completed manuscript. Her chapter on fear stems from her current position of seeking a literary agent for her manuscript, one rejection at a time.


Contact Mrs. Gollehon at [email protected]