David Demarest

David Pratt Demarest, 1940-present, is a long-time programmer and currently a Global Application Steward for First Data.  He is the former owner and manager of Next Level, Inc, a database application development firm and current owner and founder of Roads to Freedom,LLC, a non-profit company formed to promote liberty-oriented conventions and events that further the cause of freedom.  Other accomplishments include a private pilot license, BS-MIS and MS-MIS degrees from Bellevue University earned after age 65.

David is first and foremost a Big Picture innovative thinker and student of Praxeology, the science of human action and decision-making in the Ludwig von Mises tradition.  He loves ideas, thinking outside the box, logical deep-dive root-cause analysis, figuring out why people do things, solving problems, getting stuff done, and translating Big Picture ideas into innovative Big Picture solutions designed to alleviate societal governance dysfunctions and achieve Freedom. Nothing. More, Nothing More, Nothing Less for all people. 

David and his wife Re (short for Ruth Ellen) savor visits with their son Kirk and wife Fernanda in Portland, Oregon.  David and Re love to travel, read, garden and enjoy the company of Dulce, their Yellow Labrador Retriever.

Mr. Demarest is a contributing author for this book, Spotlight on the Art of Significance.

Contact Mr. Demarest at: [email protected]om