Christine Jones

Christine Jones has enjoyed having this opportunity to look at fear in dealing with success. It has been a mere two years since the publication of Spotlight on the Art of Grace. Becoming a published author was not something that she had contemplated before the project began. Diving into a project that she had never done before created quite a bit of fear. It really can help to conquer your fears when you take time to identify them. Christine has dealt with fears since a shy child. Christine has worked through her fears to be a wife of thirty-nine years to Keith Jones and a mother of two successful adults. Stopping to reflect on how she managed to get where she is at today gave her the opportunity to think about what she would have missed out on without getting past her fears. Christine has also found success in being a contributor to Spotlight on the Art of Grace as well as Spotlight on the Art of Resilience.

Contact Mrs. Jones at [email protected]